Me not going to use me blog to report gossip and rumors that might be true, might not be true! Me hope that perfectly clear! That why me not talking about what Elmo did yesterday.
Me not going to use me blog to report gossip and rumors that might be true, might not be true! Me hope that perfectly clear! That why me not talking about what Elmo did yesterday.
One thing me would have talked about if computer was working was Halloween! This fun holiday where people give out candy and sometimes cookies! Me was all set to go trick-or-treating in me cookie costume. Me figured, hey, that funny! Cookie Monster in a cookie costume! Laughing people probably give more candy than people who are not laughing! (Got to use your noggin, blog readers!) So me worked very hard on a very realistic cookie costume. Only problem, it TOO REALISTIC! So me ate the costume! Me could not resist!
Hey, everybody! Me hope there still people out there reading me blog even though me not update for a VERY LONG TIME! Me have pretty good reason, though! Me computer just stopped working! Me did NOT eat any of the parts or anything, computer just broken. So me had to wait for new computer to arrive. Now it all put together and working and me have HIGH SPEED INTERNET for reading web sites about cookies!