Friday, December 30, 2005

Why people mad about cookies?

Me try to keep up with the news but there's lots of news me not understand. For instance! People at NSA (that must be place that help you learn letters) use its web site to give people cookies! Me think that good news! But lots of people mad about that. What the hey? Cookies tasty and yummy! Someone give you cookies, you say "thank you" and "please give me more cookies because me like to eat cookies!" Sometimes me not understand people!

Friday, December 02, 2005


Boy howdy, me last post really got people buzzing! So me explain ONE MORE TIME: Me a GLUTTON, not a gossip! So me not going to talk about what Elmo did the other night because it none of your business!

Instead me tell you something positive! Elmo have idea for screenplay called SOCKS VERSUS ROBOTS! Doesn't that sound neat? Elmo very concerned about threat robots who are not R2D2 or C3PO pose. Him even buy insurance! Hey, maybe me should get insurance for me COOKIES!