Thursday, June 29, 2006

What Elmo do this time?

Looks like Elmo caught up in some kind of scandal me not understand. This is why me stay OUT of politics! Imagine if me ran for Congress! Me would be good Congressmonster but me would not be able to accept cookies without filling out forms! Got to watch for conflicts of interest and stuff like that! Me think Socrates right, you can't be in politics and stay virtuous! So me stay in private life and on Sesame Street where no paperwork, just COOKIES!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


This weekend me saw BEST MOVIE EVER MADE! It a documentary called CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE COOKIE FACTORY! It about nutty guy named Willy Wonka who live in castle full of little orange guys that make chocolate and candy and cookies and then he share the cookies and candy and chocolate with nice little boy named Charlie! Whole movie suffused with cookie candy goodness! Me would like to visit that factory and help Willy Wonka and Charlie, maybe they need a cookie tester to test the cookies and tell them how good cookies are! Me do pretty good job at that, me bet! Only problem, me not sure where factory is, me better ask Ernie or somebody how to get there!

Me give CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE COOKIE FACTORY unprecedented SIX COOKIES for humongous cookie content! It YUMMIEST MOVIE me ever see!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Socks for Elmo!

Check this out! Nice lady knit socks for Elmo! Maybe nice lady will knit COOKIES for COOKIE MONSTER next!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Me denied cookie by stupid force field!

Check out this picture! It a picture of a cookie! So far so good. But cookie is surrounded by invisible force field that keep me from getting the cookie so me can eat it!

Some days it hard out here for a Cookie Monster!