Cookie Monster Movie Review: THE TERMINAL!
THE TERMINAL star Tom Hanks as guy from foreign country who come to New York to eat cookies! But mean bald man played stop him and make him live in airport! (Me think bald man was supervillain LEX LUTHOR in disguise! Airport good place to hide from Superman because Superman not need to fly in airplanes because he can fly all by himself!) But Tom Hanks figure out ways to get cookies in airport, just not NEW YORK cookies! Then Catherine Zeta Jones visit him, and then Tom Hanks ESCAPES AIRPORT AND EATS THE COOKIES! YAY TOM HANKS!
Hey, maybe Tom Hanks' volleyball from movie CAST AWAY will turn up on island on TV show LOST! Me hope you watching that show and notice that there were yummy CANDY BAR COOKIES down that hatch along with boring stuff like Petula Clark music! Me prefer disco boogie music.
Me give THE TERMINAL full four cookies! Affecting yet grounded performance by Tom Hanks! Me wonder if he still live in that building where he have to dress up like lady to get in. Me know people do nutty things for apartments, but that REALLY nutty!