Monday, June 06, 2005


In comments on last post Kate ask if me ever think that anything *doesn't* look like a cookie! Me already say there, FIRE HYDRANTS and COMPUTER KEYBOARDS not look like cookies! But me thought about it more, and here are more things me definitely NOT think look like cookies!

1. The letter J! Not look like cookie AT ALL. Sometimes C, G, O, and Q do, though!

2. Oscar's trash can!

3. Paper clips! Bert explain that one to me! Me hardly ever make that mistake any more!

4. Washington Monument NOT LOOK AT ALL LIKE A COOKIE!

5. Table legs do not look like cookies! TableTOPS maybe do, but table LEGS am clearly not at all like cookies. They more like pretzels!

There! FIVE things that me not think look like cookies!


Blogger Cookie Monster said...

Yeah yeah! Me learn that one the HARD WAY! Pizzas are tasty though! Kind of like burgers -- ROUND like cookie but not TASTE like cookie!

5:07 PM  
Blogger koyore said...

kitties, books, and tedy bears do not look like cookies.

8:09 PM  
Blogger Cookie Monster said...

That mostly true, Noran! But some books look like cookie BARS! That got me in trouble at library where they also not serve milk, it turn out!

6:16 PM  

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